

HERMES Constellation: A New Paragdim for Multi-Messenger Astrophysics with Cubesats
Nowadays the distributed and fractionated systems, very promising to cope with challenging space applications, are eventually moving …
The HERMES-technologic and Scientific Pathfinder
HERMES-TP/SP is a constellation of six 3U nano-satellites hosting simple but innovative X-ray detectors for the monitoring of Cosmic …
The Scientific Payload On-Board the HERMES-TP and HERMES-SP CubeSat Missions
HERMES (High Energy Rapid Modular Ensemble of Satellites) Technological and Scientific pathfinder is a space borne mission based on a …
Timing Techniques Applied to Distributed Modular High-Energy Astronomy: The H.E.R.M.E.S. Project
The association of GW170817 with GRB170817A proved that electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational wave events are the key to deeply …
HERMES: CubeSat Constellation Enabling Multi-Messenger Astrophysics
The first Gravitational Wave (GW170817) direct detection in 2017 marked the beginning of the multimessenger astrophysics, in which new …