
GNC & Robotics for on Orbit Servicing with Simulated Vision in the Loop


Complex robotics missions require complex GNC and Robotics algorithms, often using vision sensors. The problem of vision-in-the-loop GNC is addressed using photorealistic simulated images and simple computer vision algorithms, coupled with relative estimation and control of a servicing satellite in close proximity operations with a customer satellite. In the near future it will be required to simulate the behavior of automated servicing missions comprehending also vision data, hence the request for vision-in-the-loop simulations. In this article is proposed a GNC and Robotics scheme for proximity operations between a servicer and a customer satellite through the use of adaptive control and computer vision. The scheme is then put to test through simulation of orbital robot dynamics, sensors and camera inputs, and computer vision algorithm in the loop.

Acta Astronautica, vol. 162, pp. 327-335
Paolo Lunghi
Paolo Lunghi
Assistant Professor of Aerospace Systems

Aiming for autonomous Guidance, Navigation, and Control for spacecraft.