
Small Bodies Non-Uniform Gravity Field On-Board Learning through Hopfield Neural Networks


Small bodies environment is usually difficult to be modelled for a number of reasons. Among the others, the uncertainty associated to the non-uniform gravitational field requires in-situ observations for its refinement, or its identification. This operation becomes even more challenging in case the orbiting platform is a CubeSat or, in general, a platform with reduced computational power as well as a high autonomy requirement. In this paper, a new approach to reconstruct on-board the gravity field of either unknown or partially known bodies is presented. In particular, the use of a Hopfield Neural Network (HNN) to reconstruct the coefficients of a Spherical Harmonics Expansion (SHE), that is assumed to approximate the gravity field of the body, is described. A comparison with an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) used for parameter estimation is presented and the differences of the two methods are critically discussed: due to the structure of the HNN, the former results to be computationally faster and lighter than a stand-alone EKF used for parameter estimation.

Planetary and Space Science, vol. 212, pp. 105425
Paolo Lunghi
Paolo Lunghi
Assistant Professor of Aerospace Systems

Aiming for autonomous Guidance, Navigation, and Control for spacecraft.